Hi, I’m Emily.

Emily (she/her) received her Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2021 and moved back to the Jersey Shore. After college, Emily created an online shop called Local Introvert to share her poetry and art in its many forms. She is also the author of her self-published chapbook Where the Ivy Grows (2021) and Heartbreak Inferno (2022).

Emily’s work centers around dealing with chronic illness, self-love, and her appreciation for all things haunted. 

When she isn’t writing, Emily enjoys thrifting, oversharing on the internet, and simply ghosting around. 

Heartbreak Inferno

Alien Buddha Press, 2022

Emily Kurc pulls you in from the first poem to the last with her easy to relate to poems about family, love, lost love, the aching and lingering of lost loves, and conversations about how healing isn’t linear and sometimes all you want to do is feel while other times perhaps it would be easier not to.

Heartbreak Inferno is full of easy to relate to poems both simple and poignant. As someone who is the eldest daughter who has always been made to feel that she feels too much I related as much to Kurc’s familial struggles as much as her romantic aching. This book hooks you in and refuses to let you go.
- Linda Crate

Kurc brings to life heart wrenching lines and vivid imagery which come together to create a visceral experience for the soul. Heartbreak Inferno is the whole package!
-Kat Savage

Where the Ivy Grows

Self-published, 2021

Divided into two parts, Where the Ivy Grows is a short collection of poetry that reflects on love, loss, loneliness, pain, depression, healing, acceptance, self-love, and transformation. You will grow. You will become whole again.

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